There are a lot of things I want to spend my money on, on a given basis. Clothes, good food, tech accessories, video games, cute house things, and shoes. Mostly shoes though (ugh, I know, right? Typical girl and her shoe obsessions). The one thing I never thought I would buy is super sparkly gold ones, aka the ultimate girly-girl accessory (besides pink ribbons, I suppose). But guess whaaaat?
I had been eyeing these shiny little things for a while now, but never added them to my cart because I didn’t think I’d get much wear out of them. I mean, they’re pretty much a faux gold-encrusted, glitter extravaganza for your feet. But they were just so sparkly, and I had a store credit so I finally decided to buy a pair to wear to my sister’s engagement party last weekend. As it turns out, they’re surprisingly versatile! Not only did I wear them to the party with a dress, I’ve worn them a bunch of other times — to work, out for drinks, running errands… You wouldn’t think so because of the whole glitter thing, but they go with pretty much everything. The gold just adds a touch of class and/or a possible glittery distraction from any state of unkempt…ness you may be in while wearing them. No one noticed when I left the house to make a quick grocery run with unwashed hair and my ripped up bf jeans. I did get compliments on the shoes though!
Would you buy golden sparkle glitter flats, or heels for that matter, to feel like a fairy princess or otherwise? Yes or no, I wanna know! If you’re like me and you have a subconscious yearning for pretty sparkly things, you can buy similar shoes here, here, or here. (Mine were from Modcloth, but it looks like they’re almost sold out).